Sunday, February 20, 2011


Toda vez que alguém vai casar aqui é uma delícia, rs. Temos a stag party que é a festa de despedida de solteiro. Meu cunhado Peder vai ser a próxima vítima e embaixo segue o e-mail do meu outro cunhado que é o padrinho.

Hello! Dermot here!
Ok lads; don’t make any plans for this May Bank holiday weekend (29th 30th
1st of May) because the time has come for Mr Peder Madsen to have one last
weekend of madness before he gets hitched!
It’s my job as grooms man, and brother, to contact as many of Peder's
friends as possible to let them know about the details of his stag party.
So far I have booked for 15 people into the Imperial Hotel located on Eyre
Sq. The first 15 people to reply back confirming there attendance will stay
there hence not having to book themselves! There is a catch though. You will
have to put up with other peoples beer farts and other nastiness as you will
be sharing a triple room. But that will cut the cost. It works out at about
116euro each for the 2 nights.It will also be 40euro each for the train
ticket which still has to be booked.That gives you a Total est.; 156euros.
I've made out some rough details for the weekend. They are as follows;
29th of April (friday) we leave by Train from Houston Station Dublin at
around 4 or 5pmwith cans. Arrive into Galway city LOCKED!. There we will
rendezvous at a pub/restaurant at about 8 or 9pm?! Not sure were the party
will head from there but it’s a starting point.
The 30th of April will involve some sort of activity, nothing too fancy,
followed by a ridiculous pub crawl around the city! (Sick Ville for me so!)
1st of May afternoon we will catch the train back to Dublin with more cans.
As nobody has work the next day it would be rude not to continue the stag
party on into Sunday night, that’s if your body will allow you to keep up
with the party machine Peder Mad Madsen! In saying that, who knows, we may
end up in peders favourite spot DAME LANE and he could remind us of all the
great bachelor years he had there when he was just a young buck!!!!
Anyways, that's the general plan. I hope you will partake in this
Grooms Man
Dermot Madsen

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